Edgar Allan Poe

Use the resources below to answer the questions. If you need one of the books and it is being used by another group, move to the next question and come back to it when the book is available.
Questions 1-6: Click here to read the article. Answer questions 1-6 in the boxes on your paper.
Questions 7-10: Click here to read the article. Answer questions 7-10 in the boxes on your paper.
Question 11: Find the book entitled Edgar Allan Poe: Tales and Poems by Raychel Haugrud Reiff. Read page 108. Answer this question on your paper: What sports team took its name from one of Poe’s works?
Question 12: Find the book entitled The Raven and Other Writings by Edgar Allan Poe. Use the Contents to find the story, “The Fall of the House of Usher.” Read the first paragraph. Answer this question on your paper: What season does the narrator mention?
Question 13: Find the book entitled Tales of Mystery and Terror by Edgar Allan Poe. Use the Contents to find the short story, “The Oblong Box,” and read the first paragraph. Answer this question on your paper: Where was the narrator traveling from in the story?
Question 14: Find the book entitled Poe: Stories and Poems by Garreth Hinds. Use the Contents to find “The Cask of Amontillado.” Answer this question: What date is printed on the bottle under the title?
Question 15: Find the book entitled Poe: Poetry and Tales by Patrick F. Quinn. Turn to page 1183 and read about “The Journal of Julius Rodman.” Answer this question: What mountains did this character did this character cross?
Question 16: Find the book entitled Edgar Allan Poe: A Biography by Milton Meltzer. Read page 66. Answer this question: In what two subjects did Poe tutor his beloved Virginia?
Question 17: Find the book The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe by Ryan Price. Read the poem until you find the name of a month. Which month did you find?
Question 18: Click this link and watch the video about Edgar Allan Poe from Britannica Library. What word is used to describe how Poe was found in September, 1849 in Baltimore?
Question 19: Click this link and read the article in Britannica Library about Edgar Allan Poe. How much money did Poe owe at the end of his first year at the University of Virginia?
Question 20: Click this link to find the article on World Almanac about Edgar Allan Poe. Scroll down on the left side of the article and find the section entitled Out of Space, Out of Time and read about Poe and Elizabeth Ellet. What did Elizabeth’s brother threaten to do to Poe?